I wanted to share my experience with you. I wanted to have a nose operation, but I couldn't find a doctor who could understand me. That's why I looked online in Turkey and found Dr. Ulker Manaf. Bashi, I contacted Maoun and took the information. Immediately, I traveled to Istanbul and met the doctor as soon as I arrived and did an examination. She took all my inquiries and was reassured. The second day I had the operation. Thank God, after six days, the splint and stents in my nose were removed, with an excellent and very satisfactory result. I traveled to my country and returned again to have an operation, which is to inject fat into my chin. I told the doctor that I did not have time to even go to the gym and get an athletic body. He asked him about the six packbags operation. I had the operation a month ago. Thank God, the results of all operations were amazing, and I was very happy with the doctor and everyone who was present, I congratulate you, even though I was alone without an escort.

If you ask me where are we going???? I will tell you about the first plane to Istanbul with Dr. ilker Manaf Bashi.