After a long search and fear, I decided to have an operation on my nose because I did not like the way it looked

My choice was Dr. Ulker Manaf Bashi because I read about his experience and expertise in the field of rhinoplasty.

After I visited the clinic and met the doctor, he advised me to undergo fat injections to restore vitality to my skin and fill several empty areas

To fit my face and nose shape

I had nose surgery and fat injections to my face.

I was afraid of having nose surgery

But I had the operation, thank God, and I did not feel any pain at all, as some who had nose operations described it to me.

After the operation, I have a very beautiful nose that suits my face.

In fact, the result was very good. My view of the mirror and life has changed.

When I am required to undergo another operation, I will never hesitate to say yes.

Dr. Aylker  is a professional in the field of cosmetics

Your sister Somaya is from Kuwait