My trip with eyelid surgery from Britain to Istanbul

My trip with eyelid surgery from Britain to Istanbul...

Firstly, I would like to welcome you and share with you the experience I had in Istanbul with Dr. Okler Manaf Bashi.

Before I came to Istanbul, I searched and asked a lot about eyelid surgery. Doctor, I was not convinced about it. The prices were very expensive. I decided to look outside Britain until I found Dr. Ulker and gave him a number in Arabic. I contacted Maoun for a year. I got a vacation and arranged travel matters. I traveled to Istanbul and they received me and met the doctor at the clinic and he explained everything to me beforehand. After the operation, it was in English, knowing that they had many translators and loved ones who helped me a lot. Then I went through the operation after they did tests and tests on me, and I felt more reassured and looked forward to the operation, and my mind was at ease. Thank God, I have had the operation for three months, and the result is very nice. Of course, at the beginning there were swellings, but after time it went away and it subsided, and now it has subsided. I came back young, thanking the doctor and thanking everyone who helped me in the hospital. I did not need anyone to be with me during the operation because they did everything and were negligent.

I advise anyone who wants to have any plastic surgery done to go to Dr. ilker, who is distinguished by his precision and sophisticated style. He is one of three doctors who are members of the American International Society for Rhinoplasty, Plastic Surgery, and Reconstructive Surgery.