My experience with breast reduction surgery in Istanbul with Dr. ilker Manaf Bashi

I read a lot about the results of plastic surgery and the experiences of others. I said that I would also tell you about my experience with breast reduction surgery for the second time because I had it done ten years ago in Dubai and I got results, but it was not the same as I had wanted. It was very large and needed to be reduced by about half.

I was afraid to repeat the operation because if I got an unsatisfactory result the second time, it would certainly be a shock to me.

On the day of the examination, my sister was with me, and she encouraged me to go into the operation and told me, “If you want to be safe, he will be a coward. You will see in his life that your breasts will become smaller and you and him will grow bigger, and the decision is yours.” She was with us, a cordinator who speaks Arabic and Turkish. She assured me that my sister’s words were good and said, “Make a decision and be strong.” Your heart forgets the topic.

I did Istikhara and thought a lot about the matter. Dr. Ulker told me that the operation is simple and does not hurt as much as expected, but it requires care, cleaning, and rest afterward.

I booked the operation date and paid the full money so that I would not back down and change my mind. Indeed, on the day of the operation, I told my sister, “What do we think about postponing the operation date for two days? I should rest before the operation.” She said to me: “No, let us go today and you can rest after the operation and make me feel comfortable with you.”

Eventually, I found myself in a room preparing for the operation, wearing a blue gown, and a nurse came in, drawing blood from me, and the anesthesiologist asked me about the operations I had done before, and if I had any diseases, and I didn’t know what else.

The last step is when Dr. Ulker entered and said to me: Hello, it is time for seriousness. I started to shake and get very nervous, and I felt my heartbeat increase. I took a sedative and then went down to the operating room. My sister and the translator went down with me and they left me at the operating door and I did not see them until I woke up from the operation. .

Since I woke up from the operation, I was cold and shivering, even though I had a thick blanket over me and I still had a heater, but the effect of the anesthesia was inevitable. After a period of time, I don’t know how long, the cold and shivering disappeared and the situation began to become more normal. Of course, the wound site continued to hurt me, but Antibiotics and Painkiller were the only solution.

The stay in the hospital was for one night, after which I left and went to the hotel and returned for review three days later.

I saw the result from the doctor controlling the wound, and it was beautiful and normal, thank God. However, the doctor assured me that the size would decrease after a little while, so that the tumor would go away after a short period.

The result in general was very satisfactory and I am very happy with it. I wish I had strengthened my heart and done it ten years ago, but it was God’s will and He did what He wanted.

To be honest, Dr. Ulker is an honest and truthful doctor. He does not make false promises. He tells you what he does and what his specialty is or what guarantees you a result as you want. He tells you frankly that this procedure does not benefit you or may ruin your appearance even more.

I thank the doctor from my heart, and I also thank the hospital and the translators who helped me in the operation, and the credit goes first and last to God Almighty.

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