My experience with body lift with Dr. ilker Manavbasi

Now I came to tell you my story with the  body lift  360 torsoplasty  operation, or as they call it, the belt operation that I had with Dr. ilker. Thank you. Thank God, I lost 40 kilos of my weight after the gastric sleeve operation in Jeddah, but unfortunately the skin after the operation remained flabby and did not look good at all, and I could not wear anything. Cotton T-shirt in the summer because sagging appears in the arms and stomach area

My friends suggested that I undergo a lift for the abdomen, hands and legs. They still say that it is painful, but the result is very impressive and when I see it I forget the pain.

I started searching for good doctors and decided to have the procedure done by a plastic surgeon in Jeddah, but when I saw my cousin, she told me that her friend had a tummy tuck with Dr. ilker in Turkey, and the results were amazing. That’s why I said I would go to Turkey, take a break and see Dr. ilker, and then decide.

I asked my cousin’s friend for the help number of Dr. ilker, who speaks Arabic, and I contacted her. She asked me to send her pictures if possible for the initial evaluation of my condition, and when I sent it to her, she told me that my body might need a girdle operation because my sagging is not limited to the abdominal area only, but rather it is present in The waist, back and sides, and she assured me that the final evaluation of the operation would be after the examination in the hospital

I came directly to Istanbul, and the second day I went to the hospital to meet the doctor, I waited for him for a while because he was in surgery, and when he came out, I explained my story to him, and the plastic surgeon was translating the conversation between us. Then, I entered the examination room, and he saw my body and said that it needed a belt operation or Torsoplasty, in addition to a tightening operation. The arm and legs, which can be fixed after a while so that these operations do not occur together

The important thing is that they drew blood from my body for analysis???? As you know, the blood level must be within a certain limit before the operation, and thank God, the result came out within the normal limit

When I entered the operation, my husband died and I left him with the children so that no one would know what would happen after the operation

When the operation began, I was cold and shaking, but all of this went away after a short period of time, and the pain remained for a longer period, so I asked them to give me a pain reliever, and as a result, I felt much better.

Now I am sitting between my husband and my children, and thank God, three months have passed since the operation, and the difference is clearly visible. I am waiting for the summer to come so that I can complete the arm and leg lift operation.

Thank you very much. Dr. ilker did not fall short with me and was not commercial like some doctors I met who wanted to arrange all operations for the patient in order to make a profit.

Thank you very much for the help and the plastic surgeon who took care of all the questions a month before the operation and until now, and I am communicating with her.

Praise be to God first and last, and I hope everyone benefits from my experience

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