My experience with rhinoplasty with Dr. ilker Manavbasi


I am Dana from Lebanon. I came to Istanbul to have an operation to correct the problem in my nostril, because my left side is intoxicated and I only breathe from the right side. In addition to the shape, and since you are a luxury girl, they care a lot about the issue of shape, and the nostril is now half the face, and as soon as your eye hits someone, you aim for their nostril immediately without You don't feel any small noise in the nostril appearing immediately.

Now, my nose is not ugly, thank God, but ever since I was little, my family used to greet me and pull me with their fingers by my nose. I don’t know if this is the reason why my nostrils were crooked, but this crookedness increased over time, and it made me unhappy with the shape of my nose. Maybe don’t criticize me then. I told you that I spent a year thinking about the operation, whether it would work or not, but in the end I prayed to God and strengthened my heart and said I would do it, and out of hesitation, I spoke to Dr. Ilker’s assistant, and she was very cooperative and friendly. She asked me for pictures to give an initial idea to the doctor, and we actually set the date for the operation based on the pictures. And the breathing condition that I suffer from.

The doctor's schedule was very full, and there was no room other than Wednesdays. The problem with work was that they did not give me leave before the third day for an examination. This means that the examination was limited to the same day of the operation. Two hours earlier, I came and I was very afraid because this was the first time I had an operation, and on top of that was the pre-operative inspection. In just two hours.

Dr. Ilker, may God bless him, was very comforting and reassured me that my problem was a major one as I was thinking about it. He said that many patients undergo the operation with the aim of (improving breathing) before the cosmetic goal and that the result of the operation is not a radical change in the shape of the nose. I was reassured by these words and the operations were completed and I received them. My husband comes to the door and you carry me so much that he keeps me safe.

When I came out of the operation, I was very hurt and cold, and I was shaking too. Now this thing after the operation is normal and normal, as far as I know, but it doesn’t prevent me from being in pain. After he removed the anesthesia, I started to feel like I was breathing through my left nostril for the first time in my life. Believe me, I cried and said, Thank God. What a blessing when I saw the doctor I told him: “When I woke up I felt that this is the first time I’m breathing”

I thank the doctor with all my heart, the help, the medical staff, and all those who helped me and did not abandon me. Thanks be to God, and I hope for all who do not have an operation.

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