My experience with facial rejuvenation with celebrity doctor ilker Manavbasi

I decided to post my experience here and in the experiments section, where I read a lot before deciding to do the procedure so that everyone can benefit from my experience.

I am Zaina Al-Azzawi. I am 50 years old. I love life and fashion is a hobby. Since I was brown, everyone has called me Zaina El-Helou and they say, “Zaina is gone and Al-Mazyona has come”????????

This title remained with me until I suffered a psychological shock, after which wrinkles suddenly appeared on my face. Maybe they did not appear suddenly, but I started hearing my friends and neighbors say that you may be tired, or you may not be sleeping well, or you may have anemia.

Before that, everyone used to be surprised at my age when I said, and they would say, “Oh my God, I look much younger than this,” but now they say, “Long life, God willing,” and this word provokes me, and this situation has begun to affect my psyche. I know that no one can take anyone’s age, and that we all grow older, but I accept it. On the word “Sweet Zeina” and I don’t want to give it up as much as it costs.

My sister, who is five years older than me, used to always make fun of me and say, “Go for a facelift like the actresses so you can become as young as before,” and I was annoyed by her, but after a while I started to think about the matter seriously. She asked about skin doctors in Iraq and went to an excellent specialist doctor, but there I met a girl. later had arrived from Turkey three days ago and she came to have Botox done. She told me that if you are intending to have operations, I advise you to go to Turkey. There, the operations are as successful as Europe and the costs are reasonable. She told me about the doctor who asked her about the operation, “Dr. ilker.” She showed me a picture of her nose before the plastic surgery. The doctor is actually excellent. I mean, what? The nose feels so natural and in harmony with the face that I thought about getting my nose done yet.

I did not rely on her words, and I searched a lot about the doctor on the Internet and found very wonderful things about him. God willing, he works sincerely and does not take advantage of the patient.

It was on the Arabic pages that talked about Dr. ilker, the number of the beautician responsible for the Arabs, who helped me a lot and was the means of communication between me and the doctor, and I sent him all the pictures of my face and nose before I came to Turkey.

I booked a ticket and went to Turkey, taking my sister and her son Hussein with me

When we met with Dr. ilker, he was very cooperative and asked me what you would like to change about your face. I told him that I would like to undergo a surgical lift for sagging, but he told me that my condition does not require a lift because my skin is not too sagging and that the threads are sufficient to remove the sagging.

When someone came to the doctor, he asked me to inspect the corneas and he said that I should then take pictures of the doctor from the front and sides, and he showed me on the laptop the final appearance of the doctor after the operation, and he said that this shape was approximately 90%, and indeed the shape of my doctor, now two months after the operation, is very close. From the way he saw me and the rest of my face, thank God, the wrinkles had disappeared greatly.

I thank Dr. ilker who helped me, and I thank the entire medical staff and the doctor’s assistant who speaks Arabic and answered all my questions and inquiries without hesitation.

As for my sister, who used to make fun of me, I let her write her experience because she was jealous of me and had a facelift with fillers, Botox, and nose  surgery, and her son Hassoun after his nose was , but Glory be to God, what does jealousy do to the people?

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