My experience with liposuction, tightening, and breast augmentation in Istanbul

I had a gastric sleeve surgery four years ago in my country. Day by day, I started to have more sagging skin and I didn't know what to do to get rid of it. My breathing and overall health deteriorated significantly, and I developed many health problems. At one point, I decided to have a skin tightening and liposuction surgery. I kept looking for a skilled doctor to perform the surgery because I was very scared and didn't know where to go. Then, I thought I would try to find a skilled doctor outside my country who could perform the surgery. You should know that the surgery is risky, especially for someone like me whose health condition is not very good. After doing some research on the internet, I found Dr. Olker Manav Bashy at the Acacia Center in Turkey. Without any hesitation, I took the number 00905385844484 and contacted them. They gave me all the information and details before and after the surgery. My fear decreased and thank God, I felt I was in safe hands. I immediately started arranging my travel matters and booked my trip to Istanbul, Turkey. The next day, I had my appointment with the doctor at the clinic. He examined me and reassured me more and more. Thank God, he divided the surgery into three stages. The first stage was the tightening and liposuction of the abdomen and back. On the second day, I had the surgery and thank God, my health was much better. I waited another week, they did all the tests and analyses for me, and I met the doctor for the second surgery, which was the tightening of the arms and chest. The doctor's skill and approach made me feel more reassured. He also enlarged my breasts in the second surgery, which was the second stage. I had the surgery with him and thank God, my surgery was successful and my health was also good. After each surgery, I would leave the hospital and go sightseeing in Istanbul. I was amazed by the size of my new breasts. Unfortunately, my vacation ended and I still had the third stage left. After a month, I will return to them to complete the last stage, which is the leg tightening stage. I am very, very happy with the doctor and everyone who was with him. I regained my self-confidence and my mood improved, thanks to the doctor's skill. God willing, after I have the third surgery, I will write about my last experience. Thank God, I can now wear what I want and there is nothing left in me. If you ask me what I would recommend, I would say Dr. Olker and no one else. Greetings to you all