My new nose with Dr. Ilker Manavbasi?? My personal doctor

I came to Mr. İlker based on my friend’s recommendations, and upon hearing his voice, I decided that he would be my personal doctor! His self-confidence, his answering questions before they were asked, his complete answers, and everything was wonderful.
My surgery was not as scary and painful as I had dreamed it would be: the bruising disappeared within 3 days and the tumors disappeared.

But when an unexpected nosebleed occurred, she quickly sought help from Mr. Aylker.

He advised me to rest and prescribed treatment to stop the bleeding

Today I have completed two months since my surgery, and I am so happy with my nose that I want to hang a blue bead in the nostril!

I did not expect to have a natural nose that fits my face and breathing so regular.
I am very, very happy